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Aa_actions - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands
Command which lists all available actions that can be used on the given command.
Aa_actions() - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_actions
Constructor, starts the commandPreprocessor listener if it was not started yet, so our fixed, muted, disabled...
Aa_actions - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete
Tab completion for the /aa_actions command.
Aa_actions() - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete.Aa_actions
Aa_addperm - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands
Command which allows adding extra permissions for a command with or without any given parameters.
Aa_addperm(Plugin) - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_addperm
Constructor, takes AdminAnything as a parameter, since we'll be needing it later to set up a delayed task (as not to overload server by all the action :P).
Aa_addperm - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete
Tab completion for the /aa_addperm command.
Aa_addperm() - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete.Aa_addperm
Aa_addperm_runnable - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands
An actual logic to the /aa_addperm command to allow this to be run in a separate thread and not mess about in the main one, since we have no important actions to do in there.
Aa_addperm_runnable(String[], CommandSender) - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_addperm_runnable
Aa_addredirect - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands
Command which adds a redirect from one command to another.
Aa_addredirect() - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_addredirect
Aa_addredirect - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete
Tab completion for the /aa_addredirect command.
Aa_addredirect() - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete.Aa_addredirect
AA_API - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything
API for AdminAnything used by AA's own procedures but also publicly available to other plugins.
AA_API(AdminAnything) - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Constructor, stores an instance of AdminAnything, so this API can work with it.
Aa_checkcommandconflicts - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands
Checks commands for conflicts and displays the result either in the in-game chat or into the console.
Aa_checkcommandconflicts(Plugin) - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_checkcommandconflicts
Constructor, stores the instance of AdminAnything for futher use.
Aa_checkcommandconflicts_runnable - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands
The actual logic that checks for command conflicts and displays the result to the player or console.
Aa_checkcommandconflicts_runnable(CommandSender, String[], Plugin) - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_checkcommandconflicts_runnable
Logic that checks commands for conflicts.
Aa_clearchat - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands
Clears chat or console of all the text present.
Aa_clearchat() - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_clearchat
Aa_debug - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands
Toggles the debug mode of AdminAnything.
Aa_debug() - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_debug
Aa_delperm - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands
Removes a virtual permission that was previously added via the /aa_addperm command.
Aa_delperm() - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_delperm
Aa_delperm - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete
Tab completion for the /aa_delperm command.
Aa_delperm() - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete.Aa_delperm
Aa_delredirect - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands
Removes a command redirect that was previously added to AdminAnything via the /aa_addredirect command.
Aa_delredirect() - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_delredirect
Aa_delredirect - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete
Tab completion for the /aa_delredirect command.
Aa_delredirect() - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete.Aa_delredirect
Aa_disablecommand - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands
Adds a command to the list of disabled commands and stores this in a config file.
Aa_disablecommand(Plugin) - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_disablecommand
Constructor, starts the commandPreprocessor listener if it was not started yet, so our fixed, muted, disabled...
Aa_disablecommand - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete
Tab completion for the /aa_disablecommand command.
Aa_disablecommand() - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete.Aa_disablecommand
Aa_disablehelpcommand - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands
Adds a command to the list of commands disabled from showing in the /aa_playercommands listing and stores this in a config file.
Aa_disablehelpcommand() - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_disablehelpcommand
Aa_enablecommand - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands
Removes a command previously disabled via /aa_disablecommand from the list of disabled commands.
Aa_enablecommand() - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_enablecommand
Aa_enablecommand - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete
Tab completion for the /aa_delperm command.
Aa_enablecommand() - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete.Aa_enablecommand
Aa_enablehelpcommand - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands
Command which removes a command from the list of commands that should not be shown in the /aa_playercommands listing/
Aa_enablehelpcommand() - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_enablehelpcommand
Aa_enablehelpcommand - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete
Tab completion for the /aa_enablehelpcommand command.
Aa_enablehelpcommand() - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete.Aa_enablehelpcommand
Aa_fixcommand - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands
Creates an override for a command, so it's always called from the plugin which the Admin chooses for it.
Aa_fixcommand(Plugin) - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_fixcommand
Constructor, starts the commandPreprocessor listener if it was not started yet, so our fixed, muted, disabled...
Aa_fixcommand - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete
Tab completion for the /aa_fixcommand command.
Aa_fixcommand() - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete.Aa_fixcommand
Aa_fixcommand_runnable - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands
The actual logic behind fixing (overriding) a command to make sure it gets called from the plugin the admin wants.
Aa_ignorecommand - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands
Adds a command to the list of ignored commands, so it won't be checked when /aa_checkcommandconflicts is run.
Aa_ignorecommand() - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_ignorecommand
Aa_ignorecommand - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete
Tab completion for the /aa_ignorecommand command.
Aa_ignorecommand() - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete.Aa_ignorecommand
Aa_info - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands
Displays information about all fixed, muted, disabled...
Aa_info(Plugin) - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_info
Constructor, stores the instance of AdminAnything for futher use.
Aa_listcommands - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands
Lists commands on the server, optionally filtered by the given input variables.
Aa_listcommands(Plugin) - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_listcommands
Constructor, stores the instance of AdminAnything for futher use.
Aa_listcommands - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete
Tab completion for the /aa_listcommands command.
Aa_listcommands() - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete.Aa_listcommands
Aa_listcommands_runnable - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands
The actual logic behind showing a list of commands to the player or console who initiated this command.
Aa_mutecommand - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands
Command which mutes any possible output from the given executed command.
Aa_mutecommand(Plugin) - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_mutecommand
Constructor, takes AdminAnything as a parameter, since we'll be needing it later to set up a delayed task (as not to overload server by all the action :P).
Aa_mutecommand - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete
Tab completion for the /aa_mutecommand command.
Aa_mutecommand() - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete.Aa_mutecommand
Aa_playercommands - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands
Command which lists all commands for a single player.
Aa_playercommands(Plugin) - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_playercommands
Constructor, takes AdminAnything as a parameter, since we'll be needing it later to set up a delayed task (as not to overload server by all the action :P).
Aa_playercommands - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete
Tab completion for the /aa_playercommands command.
Aa_playercommands() - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete.Aa_playercommands
Aa_playercommands_runnable - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands
The actual logic to list all commands available for the given player.
Aa_playerperms - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands
Command which lists all permissions given to the player requested.
Aa_playerperms() - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_playerperms
Aa_playerperms - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete
Tab completion for the /aa_playerperms command.
Aa_playerperms() - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete.Aa_playerperms
Aa_pluginperms - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands
Command which shows all permissions for the plugin given.
Aa_pluginperms(Plugin) - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_pluginperms
Constructor, loads custom permissions configuration.
Aa_pluginperms - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete
Tab completion for the /aa_pluginperms command.
Aa_pluginperms() - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete.Aa_pluginperms
Aa_reload - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands
Command which sends a reload event that in turn reloads all data for AdminAnything.
Aa_reload() - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_reload
Aa_unfixcommand - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands
Command which removes override previously added via /aa_fixcommand.
Aa_unfixcommand() - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_unfixcommand
Aa_unfixcommand - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete
Tab completion for the /aa_unfixcommand command.
Aa_unfixcommand() - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete.Aa_unfixcommand
Aa_unignorecommand - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands
Command which removes a command from the list of ignored commands, i.e.
Aa_unignorecommand() - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_unignorecommand
Aa_unignorecommand - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete
Tab completion for the /aa_unignorecommand command.
Aa_unignorecommand() - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete.Aa_unignorecommand
Aa_unmutecommand - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands
Command which removes commands from the list of commands that should be muted.
Aa_unmutecommand() - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_unmutecommand
Aa_unmutecommand - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete
Tab completion for the /aa_unmutecommand command.
Aa_unmutecommand() - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete.Aa_unmutecommand
Aa_version - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands
Command which will show current AA version either to the player or console running this command.
Aa_version() - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_version
AAAddCommandOverrideEvent - Class in
Event which is fired up when we need to add a new override for a conflicting command via /aa_fixcommand.
AAAddCommandOverrideEvent(String, String) - Constructor for class
Constructor, stores internal variables and calculates the caller class name for security validation.
AAAddCommandRedirectEvent - Class in
Event which is fired up when we need to add a new redirect from one command to another via /aa_addredirect.
AAAddCommandRedirectEvent(String, String) - Constructor for class
Constructor, stores internal variables and calculates the caller class name for security validation.
AAAddHelpDisabledCommandEvent - Class in
Event which is fired up when we need to add a new command into the config of commands hidden from /aa_playercommands via /aa_ignorecommand.
AAAddHelpDisabledCommandEvent(String) - Constructor for class
Constructor, stores internal variables and calculates the caller class name for security validation.
AAAddIgnoredCommandEvent - Class in
Event which is fired up when we need to add a new ignored command via /aa_ignorecommand.
AAAddIgnoredCommandEvent(String) - Constructor for class
Constructor, stores internal variables and calculates the caller class name for security validation.
AAAddVirtualPermEvent - Class in
Event which is fired up when we need to add a new virtual permissions via /aa_addperm.
AAAddVirtualPermEvent(String, String) - Constructor for class
Constructor, stores internal variables and calculates the caller class name for security validation.
AAAdjustListenerPrioritiesEvent - Class in
Event which is fired up when we need to re-assign listener priorities for some of server's plugins and make them recognize event cancellation for the PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent and ServerCommandEvent events.
AAAdjustListenerPrioritiesEvent(CommandSender, List<String>, String[], String, boolean, List<String>, List<String>) - Constructor for class
Constructor, stores internal variables.
AAReloadEvent - Class in
Event which is fired up when someone requested a reload of AdminAnything via /aa_reload.
AAReloadEvent(String) - Constructor for class
Constructor, stores internal variables.
AARemoveCommandMuteEvent - Class in
Event which is fired up when we need to remove a muted command via /aa_unmutecommand.
AARemoveCommandMuteEvent(String) - Constructor for class
Constructor, stores internal variables and calculates the caller class name for security validation.
AARemoveCommandOverrideEvent - Class in
Event which is fired up when we need to remove a command override via /aa_unfixcommand.
AARemoveCommandOverrideEvent(String) - Constructor for class
Constructor, stores internal variables and calculates the caller class name for security validation.
AARemoveCommandRedirectEvent - Class in
Event which is fired up when we need to remove a command redirect via /aa_delredirect.
AARemoveCommandRedirectEvent(String) - Constructor for class
Constructor, stores internal variables and calculates the caller class name for security validation.
AARemoveDisabledCommandEvent - Class in
Event which is fired up when we need to re-enable a disabled command via /aa_enablecommand.
AARemoveDisabledCommandEvent(String) - Constructor for class
Constructor, stores internal variables and calculates the caller class name for security validation.
AARemoveHelpDisabledCommandEvent - Class in
Event which is fired up when we need to remove a command from the list commands that should not show up in the /aa_playerperms listing.
AARemoveHelpDisabledCommandEvent(String) - Constructor for class
Constructor, stores internal variables and calculates the caller class name for security validation.
AARemoveIgnoredCommandEvent - Class in
Event which is fired up when we need to remove a command from the list of ignored commands via /aa_unignorecommand.
AARemoveIgnoredCommandEvent(String) - Constructor for class
Constructor, stores internal variables and calculates the caller class name for security validation.
AARemoveVirtualPermissionEvent - Class in
Event which is fired up when we need to remove custom virtual permission via /aa_delperm.
AARemoveVirtualPermissionEvent(String) - Constructor for class
Constructor, stores internal variables and calculates the caller class name for security validation.
AASaveCommandHelpDisablesEvent - Class in
Event which is fired up when we need to save list of commands hidden from /aa_playercommands listing.
AASaveCommandHelpDisablesEvent(CommandSender) - Constructor for class
Constructor, stores internal variables.
AASaveCommandIgnoresEvent - Class in
Event which is fired up when we need to save list of ignored commands.
AASaveCommandIgnoresEvent(CommandSender) - Constructor for class
Constructor, stores internal variables.
AASaveCommandOverridesEvent - Class in
Event which is fired up when we need to save list of overridden commands.
AASaveCommandOverridesEvent(CommandSender) - Constructor for class
Constructor, stores internal variables.
AASaveCommandRedirectsEvent - Class in
Event which is fired up when we need to save list of redirects.
AASaveCommandRedirectsEvent(CommandSender) - Constructor for class
Constructor, stores internal variables.
AASaveDisabledCommandsEvent - Class in
Event which is fired up when we need to save list of disabled commands.
AASaveDisabledCommandsEvent(CommandSender) - Constructor for class
Constructor, stores internal variables.
AASaveMutedCommandsEvent - Class in
Event which is fired up when we need to save list of ignored commands.
AASaveMutedCommandsEvent(CommandSender) - Constructor for class
Constructor, stores internal variables.
AASaveVirtualPermsEvent - Class in
Event which is fired up when we need to save list of custom permissions.
AASaveVirtualPermsEvent(CommandSender) - Constructor for class
Constructor, stores internal variables.
AASymbolicCommand - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything
AASymbolicCommand(String, Plugin, String, String) - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AASymbolicCommand
AAToggleDebugEvent - Class in
Event which is fired up when someone requests to toggle the debug mode of AdminAnything on or off.
AAToggleDebugEvent() - Constructor for class
AbstractCommand - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands
AbstractCommand() - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.AbstractCommand
achievementTooltip(String) - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.FancyMessage
Set the behavior of the current editing component to display information about an achievement when the client hovers over the text.
addChatTopNavigation(CommandSender, int, FancyMessage, Command, String[], String, int, boolean) - Static method in enum com.martinambrus.adminAnything.Utils
Adds top navigation chat links for moving back/forward when pagination is used in a command.
addFile(String) - Static method in enum com.martinambrus.adminAnything.ClasspathHacker
Adds a file to the classpath.
addFile(File) - Static method in enum com.martinambrus.adminAnything.ClasspathHacker
Adds a file to the classpath

addJoinMessage(PlayerJoinEvent) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.listeners.chatJoinLeaveClicks
Adds clickable links after join message to everyone with the right permission.
addLeaveMessage(PlayerQuitEvent) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.listeners.chatJoinLeaveClicks
Adds clickable pardon links after leave message to everyone with the right permission.
addPlayerIP(PlayerJoinEvent) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.listeners.chatKickAfterIpBan
Adds IP of a player that joins the game to the IP cache.
addPlayerIP(PlayerQuitEvent) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.listeners.chatKickAfterIpBan
Removes IP of a leaving player from the IP cache.
addToLibPath(String) - Static method in enum com.martinambrus.adminAnything.instrumentation.Tools
Adds a a path to the current java.library.path.
addURL(URL) - Static method in enum com.martinambrus.adminAnything.ClasspathHacker
Adds the content pointed by the URL to the classpath.
AdminAnything - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything
AdminAnything - the conflict-resolving tool for administrators of Bukkit-based Minecraft servers which conveniently includes a virtual assistant.
AdminAnything() - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AdminAnything
ArrayWrapper<E> - Class in net.amoebaman.util
Represents a wrapper around an array class of an arbitrary reference type, which properly implements "value" hash code and equality functions.
ArrayWrapper(E...) - Constructor for class net.amoebaman.util.ArrayWrapper
Creates an array wrapper with some elements.


beginArray() - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.reflections.JsonWriter
beginObject() - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.reflections.JsonWriter


capitalize(String) - Static method in enum com.martinambrus.adminAnything.Utils
Makes the given string capitalized with the first letter being uppercased.
captureNextCommandSender - Static variable in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_mutecommand
Determined whether we should capture the name of the current class that calls sendMessage().
catchEarlyChatForProtocolLib(AsyncPlayerChatEvent) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.listeners.chatNickClicks
Replaces nicknames by clickable links that perform the desired action.
cccClassInstance - Variable in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_checkcommandconflicts_runnable
chatJoinLeaveClicks - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.listeners
Listens to player join and leave events and adjusts player's nickname to add links next to their username with actions defined in the config file.
chatJoinLeaveClicks(Plugin) - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.listeners.chatJoinLeaveClicks
Constructor, stores instance of AdminAnything for further use.
chatKickAfterIpBan - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.listeners
Listens to command events and kicks a player who'se been IP-banned from the server out, so they cannot do any more damaga - if enabled.
chatKickAfterIpBan(Plugin) - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.listeners.chatKickAfterIpBan
Constructor, stores instance of AdminAnything for further use.
chatNickClicks - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.listeners
Listens to player chat events and adjusts player's nicknames to add links next to their username with actions defined in the config file.
chatNickClicks(Plugin) - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.listeners.chatNickClicks
Constructor, stores instance of AdminAnything for further use.
checkGroupPerm(CommandSender, String) - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Checks whether the given CommandSender's primary group has the requested permission assigned.
checkGroupPerm(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Checks whether the given group in the given world has the requested permission assigned.
checkIsClassMuted() - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_mutecommand
Checks whether the previously saved class name should be muted and sets the internal variables accordingly.
CheckParentesis(String) - Static method in enum com.martinambrus.adminAnything.Utils
Checks whether the given string has a matching set of parenthesis (for our purposes, brackets only).
checkPerms(CommandSender, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Uses a query parsing algorithm to check for one or many permission nodes given via the permsQuery parameter.
classMapContainsKey(String) - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Checks for existence of a command location key in the class map.
ClasspathHacker - Enum in com.martinambrus.adminAnything
Utility class for dynamically changing the classpath + adding classes during runtime.
clone() - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.FancyMessage
clone() - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.MessagePart
clone() - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.TextualComponent
Clones a textual component instance.
close() - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.reflections.JsonWriter
color(ChatColor) - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.FancyMessage
Sets the color of the current editing component to a value.
com.martinambrus.adminAnything - package com.martinambrus.adminAnything
com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands - package com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands - package
com.martinambrus.adminAnything.instrumentation - package com.martinambrus.adminAnything.instrumentation
com.martinambrus.adminAnything.listeners - package com.martinambrus.adminAnything.listeners
com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete - package com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete
command(String) - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.FancyMessage
Set the behavior of the current editing component to instruct the client to send the specified string to the server as a chat message when the currently edited part of the FancyMessage is clicked.
commandMapContainsKey(String) - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Checks whether the command map contains the given key.
commandPreprocessor - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.listeners
Listens to player and console commands and handles their fixing, muting, redirecting...
commandPreprocessor(Plugin) - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.listeners.commandPreprocessor
Constructor, stores instance of AdminAnything for further use.
compactQuotedArgs(String[]) - Static method in enum com.martinambrus.adminAnything.Utils
Takes command arguments that may contain quotes and will compact them, so for example "hello dolly" will become a single argument.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.VersionComparator
Compares two version objects and returns the result.
configContainsKey(String) - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Checks whether the given key is present in the plugin configuration.
Constants - Enum in com.martinambrus.adminAnything
Constants used across AdminAnything.


deserialize(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class mkremins.fanciful.FancyMessage
Deserializes a JSON-represented message from a mapping of key-value pairs.
deserialize(String) - Static method in class mkremins.fanciful.FancyMessage
Deserializes a fancy message from its JSON representation.
deserialize(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class mkremins.fanciful.JsonString
deserialize(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class mkremins.fanciful.MessagePart


endArray() - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.reflections.JsonWriter
endObject() - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.reflections.JsonWriter
entrySet() - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.reflections.JsonObject
entrySet() - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.reflections.LinkedTreeMap
equals(Object, Object) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.VersionComparator
Checks whether the two given object versions are the same.
equals(Object) - Method in class net.amoebaman.util.ArrayWrapper
Determines if this object has a value equivalent to another object.
execute(CommandSender, String, String[]) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AASymbolicCommand
Executes the command, returning its success


FancyMessage - Class in mkremins.fanciful
Represents a formattable message.
FancyMessage(String) - Constructor for class mkremins.fanciful.FancyMessage
Creates a JSON message with text.
FancyMessage(TextualComponent) - Constructor for class mkremins.fanciful.FancyMessage
FancyMessage() - Constructor for class mkremins.fanciful.FancyMessage
Creates a JSON message without text.
file(String) - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.FancyMessage
Set the behavior of the current editing component to instruct the client to open a file on the client side filesystem when the currently edited part of the FancyMessage is clicked.
flatten(Collection<String>, boolean...) - Static method in enum com.martinambrus.adminAnything.Utils
Returns a flat version of a list, similarly to how .toString() does it.
flatten(String[], boolean...) - Static method in enum com.martinambrus.adminAnything.Utils
Returns a flat version of an array, similarly to how .toString() does it.
flatten(String[], String) - Static method in enum com.martinambrus.adminAnything.Utils
Returns a flat version of an array, similarly to how .toString() does it.
formattedTooltip(FancyMessage) - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.FancyMessage
Set the behavior of the current editing component to display formatted text when the client hovers over the text.
formattedTooltip(FancyMessage...) - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.FancyMessage
Set the behavior of the current editing component to display the specified lines of formatted text when the client hovers over the text.
formattedTooltip(Iterable<FancyMessage>) - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.FancyMessage
Set the behavior of the current editing component to display the specified lines of formatted text when the client hovers over the text.


generateConsoleWarning(String) - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Generates a console warning.
get(String) - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.reflections.JsonObject
getAaDataDir() - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Returns the data folder for AdminAnything.
This is used in various warning messages in console to inform Admins where to search for files they need to update (for example to turn off statistics etc.)

getAaName() - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Returns name of the AdminAnything plugin.
getAaVersion() - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Gets the plugin version

getArgs() - Method in class
Getter for command arguments.
getArray() - Method in class net.amoebaman.util.ArrayWrapper
Retrieves a reference to the wrapped array instance.
getAsBoolean() - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.reflections.JsonElement
getAsJsonArray() - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.reflections.JsonElement
getAsJsonArray(String) - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.reflections.JsonObject
getAsJsonObject() - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.reflections.JsonElement
getAsJsonObject() - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.reflections.JsonParser
getAsString() - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.reflections.JsonElement
getAugmentedCommandMap() - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Augments and returns a temporary copy of a commandMap with manually-crafter commands from permdescriptions.yml file, or rather mostly sub-commands of a single command (/plugman help, /plugman info...), so these can be shown in /aa_playercommands and /aa_listcommands.
getAvailableNewVersion() - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Returns the newVersionAvailable value, be it null or a real new version string.
getBanIpCommandsList() - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Loads list of IP ban commands from the config file, since different MC versions tend to use different ban-ip commands and the server could even have its own flavor of ban-ip from a plugin.
getBuiltInCommands() - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Get list of built-in commands for a Spigot server.
getBytesFromClass(Class<?>) - Static method in enum com.martinambrus.adminAnything.instrumentation.Tools
Gets bytes from a class.
getBytesFromResource(ClassLoader, String) - Static method in enum com.martinambrus.adminAnything.instrumentation.Tools
Gets bytes from a resource.
getBytesFromStream(InputStream) - Static method in enum com.martinambrus.adminAnything.instrumentation.Tools
Gets class bytes from a stream.
getCallerClassName(int) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.instrumentation.MySecurityManager
Retrieves a calling class name from current stack according to the given depth parameter.
getCallerName() - Method in class
Getter for the securely-calculated caller's class name.
getCallerName() - Method in class
Getter for the securely-calculated caller's class name.
getCallerName() - Method in class
Getter for the securely-calculated caller's class name.
getCallerName() - Method in class
Getter for the securely-calculated caller's class name.
getCallerName() - Method in class
Getter for the securely-calculated caller's class name.
getCallerName() - Method in class
Getter for the securely-calculated caller's class name.
getCallerName() - Method in class
Getter for the securely-calculated caller's class name.
getCallerName() - Method in class
Getter for the securely-calculated caller's class name.
getCallerName() - Method in class
Getter for the securely-calculated caller's class name.
getCallerName() - Method in class
Getter for the securely-calculated caller's class name.
getCallerName() - Method in class
Getter for the securely-calculated caller's class name.
getCallerName() - Method in class
Getter for the securely-calculated caller's class name.
getChatJoinActionsMap() - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Gets map of actions to be added to the chat next to player's username when they join the server, if enabled.
getChatLeaveActionsMap() - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Gets map of actions to be added to the chat next to player's username when they leave the server, if enabled.
getClassMapKey(String) - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Retrieves a key from the class map cache.
getCleanPluginName(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Returns a clear name of the plugin from a string which may contain the plugin along with a command (essentials:ban) or along with a core alias (Core -> minecraft:ban).
getClearCommand(String) - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Returns a clear command name from the command given.
getCommandContainingPlugins(String, boolean...) - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Returns a list of plugin names that contain the given command.
getCommandLine() - Method in class
Getter for the command line.
getCommandLine() - Method in class
Getter for command line.
getCommandLine() - Method in class
Getter for command line.
getCommandMapCopy() - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Returns a copy of the entry set for the command map.
getCommandMapKey(String) - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Retrieves an actual command from the command map according to the given command name.
getCommandName() - Method in class
Getter for command name.
getCommandName() - Method in class
Getter for command name.
getCommandName() - Method in class
Getter for command name.
getCommandName() - Method in class
Getter for command name.
getCommandName() - Method in class
Getter for command name.
getCommandName() - Method in class
Getter for command name.
getCommandName() - Method in class
Getter for command name.
getCommandName() - Method in class
Getter for command name.
getCommandOverride() - Method in class
Getter for command override.
getCommandRedirect() - Method in class
Getter for command redirect.
getCommandsConfigurationKeys(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Retrieves a list of keys from the configuration of the commands to be redirected, muted, overridden etc.
getCommandsConfigurationValue(String, String) - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Retrieves a value to be used in place of the original command which was ignored, muted, overridden etc.
getCommandsConfigurationValues(String) - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Retrieves a list of values from the configuration of the commands to be redirected, muted, overridden etc.
getCommandSender() - Method in class
Getter for command sender.
getCommandSender() - Method in class
Getter for command sender.
getCommandSender() - Method in class
Getter for command sender.
getCommandSender() - Method in class
Getter for command sender.
getCommandSender() - Method in class
Getter for command sender.
getCommandSender() - Method in class
Getter for command sender.
getCommandSender() - Method in class
Getter for command sender.
getCommandsKeySet() - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Retrieves a set of all commands for AdminAnything.
getCommandsList(String) - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Gets an unmodifiable list of the requested type of commands (i.e.
getConfigBoolean(String) - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Returns a boolean value from AA's configuration.
getConfigSectionKeys(String) - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Returns keys of a configuration section from AA's configuration.
getConfigString(String) - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Returns a string value from AA's configuration.
getConfigString(String, String) - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Returns a string value from AA's configuration.
getCurrentPID() - Static method in enum com.martinambrus.adminAnything.instrumentation.Tools
Gets the current JVM PID.
getDebug() - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Gets this plugin's debug state.
getExecutor() - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AASymbolicCommand
Gets the CommandExecutor associated with this command
getField(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class net.amoebaman.util.Reflection
Retrieves a Field instance declared by the specified class with the specified name.
getHandle(Object) - Static method in class net.amoebaman.util.Reflection
Attempts to get the NMS handle of a CraftBukkit object.
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
Getter for list of all handlers for this event.
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
Getter for list of all handlers for this event.
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
Getter for list of all handlers for this event.
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
Getter for list of all handlers for this event.
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
Getter for list of all handlers for this event.
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
Getter for list of all handlers for this event.
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
Getter for list of all handlers for this event.
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
Getter for list of all handlers for this event.
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
Getter for list of all handlers for this event.
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
Getter for list of all handlers for this event.
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
Getter for list of all handlers for this event.
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
Getter for list of all handlers for this event.
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
Getter for list of all handlers for this event.
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
Getter for list of all handlers for this event.
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
Getter for list of all handlers for this event.
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
Getter for list of all handlers for this event.
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
Getter for list of all handlers for this event.
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
Getter for list of all handlers for this event.
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
Getter for list of all handlers for this event.
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
Getter for list of all handlers for this event.
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
Getter for list of all handlers for this event.
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
Getter for list of all handlers for this event.
getHandlers() - Method in class
Getter for list of all handlers for this event.
getHandlers() - Method in class
Getter for list of all handlers for this event.
getHandlers() - Method in class
Getter for list of all handlers for this event.
getHandlers() - Method in class
Getter for list of all handlers for this event.
getHandlers() - Method in class
Getter for list of all handlers for this event.
getHandlers() - Method in class
Getter for list of all handlers for this event.
getHandlers() - Method in class
Getter for list of all handlers for this event.
getHandlers() - Method in class
Getter for list of all handlers for this event.
getHandlers() - Method in class
Getter for list of all handlers for this event.
getHandlers() - Method in class
Getter for list of all handlers for this event.
getHandlers() - Method in class
Getter for list of all handlers for this event.
getHandlers() - Method in class
Getter for list of all handlers for this event.
getHandlers() - Method in class
Getter for list of all handlers for this event.
getHandlers() - Method in class
Getter for list of all handlers for this event.
getHandlers() - Method in class
Getter for list of all handlers for this event.
getHandlers() - Method in class
Getter for list of all handlers for this event.
getHandlers() - Method in class
Getter for list of all handlers for this event.
getHandlers() - Method in class
Getter for list of all handlers for this event.
getHandlers() - Method in class
Getter for list of all handlers for this event.
getHandlers() - Method in class
Getter for list of all handlers for this event.
getHandlers() - Method in class
Getter for list of all handlers for this event.
getHandlers() - Method in class
Getter for list of all handlers for this event.
getIgnoreLeadingSlash() - Method in class
Getter for leading slash ignoring flag.
getJavassistLibPath() - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.instrumentation.Instrumentator
Getter method for Javassist library path.
getKey() - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.TextualComponent
getKoList() - Method in class
Getter for the KO list.
getLastPlayer() - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.listeners.chatNickClicks
Returns the UUID of the last player who used chat, so we can update their chat packet with the help of ProtocolLib.
getListName() - Method in class
Getter for the list of overrides / mutes / redirects...
getListValueCompletions(String, String, Command, String, String[]) - Static method in enum com.martinambrus.adminAnything.Utils
Returns a list of possible completions for a command parameter that should be one of the values stored in one in AdminAnything's lists, for example in the list of disabled commands, muted commands etc.
getManualPermDescriptionsConfig() - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Returns current configuration of manual permissions and commands for plugins that don't provide these in their plugin.yml file.
getMaxRecordsPerPage() - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Gets the maximum records (lines) per page displayable in various AdminAnything listings, such as list of commands, permissions or conflicts.
getMessage() - Method in class
Getter for message.
getMethod(Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Static method in class net.amoebaman.util.Reflection
Retrieves a Method instance declared by the specified class with the specified name and argument types.
getMinecraftVersion() - Static method in enum com.martinambrus.adminAnything.Utils
Grabs the numerical version portion of the full server's version.
getMinecraftVersion(String) - Static method in enum com.martinambrus.adminAnything.Utils
Grabs the numerical version portion of the full server's version.
getMutesMap() - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Gets an unmodifiable map of muted commands.
getNickClickActionsMap() - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Gets map of actions to be added to the chat next to player's username when a chat message is sent, if enabled.
getNMSClass(String) - Static method in class net.amoebaman.util.Reflection
Gets a Class object representing a type contained within the net.minecraft.server versioned package.
getNumber() - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.VersionTokenizer
Getter for the internal _number variable.
getOBCClass(String) - Static method in class net.amoebaman.util.Reflection
Gets a Class object representing a type contained within the org.bukkit.craftbukkit versioned package.
getOkList() - Method in class
Getter for the OK list.
getOkMessages() - Method in class
Getter for OK messages.
getPermName() - Method in class
Getter for permission name.
getPermName() - Method in class
Getter for permission name.
getPlatform() - Static method in enum com.martinambrus.adminAnything.instrumentation.Tools.Platform
Gets currently used platform.
getPlayerAvailableCommands(Player) - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Gets all commands available to a single player in their current world.
getPlayerPermGroups(Player) - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Returns all permission groups in which a player is present.
getPlayerPrimaryPermGroup(Player) - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Retrieves player's primary group name.
getPlugin() - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AASymbolicCommand
Gets the owner of this PluginCommand
getPluginCommands(String) - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Retrieves a list of all commands for the given plugin.
getPluginForCommand(String, Command) - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Returns name of the plugin to which the given command belongs.
getPluginIgnoreCase(String) - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Returns plugin name from the cache of lowercased plugins as opposed to the Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin() case-sensitive getting.
getReadableString() - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.TextualComponent
getSender() - Method in class
Getter for command sender.
getServerCommandCompletions(String, Command, String) - Static method in enum com.martinambrus.adminAnything.Utils
Returns a list of possible completions for a command parameter that should be one of the commands currently present on the server.
getServerCommands() - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Retrieves a list of all commands on the server.
getServerPlugins() - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Retrieves a set of all plugin names on the server.
getServerPlugins(String...) - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Retrieves a set of all plugin names on the server, prepended by the given string prefix.
getSimpleClass(String[], Object) - Static method in enum com.martinambrus.adminAnything.Reflections
Receives a list of possible class locations for our target class and an optional constructor parameter (only single parameter classes are supported for now) and returns the actual class from one of the places where it founds it.
getSimpleMethodFromObjectInstance(Object, Method, String, Object) - Static method in enum com.martinambrus.adminAnything.Reflections
Retrieves a simple method (with a single parameter) from the instance of an object.
getSuffix() - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.VersionTokenizer
Getter for the internal _suffix variable.
getTabCompleter() - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AASymbolicCommand
Gets the TabCompleter associated with this command.
getUnixTimestamp() - Static method in enum com.martinambrus.adminAnything.Utils
Returns current unix timestamp.
getUnixTimestamp(Long) - Static method in enum com.martinambrus.adminAnything.Utils
Converts given timestamp in milliseconds to Unix Timestamp in seconds.
getValue() - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.JsonString
getValues() - Method in enum com.martinambrus.adminAnything.Constants
Returns a list-type constant.
getVersion() - Static method in class net.amoebaman.util.Reflection
Gets the version string from the package name of the CraftBukkit server implementation.
getVirtualPermsCaseSensitive() - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Check whether virtual permissions should consider letter case when checking them against player's permissions.
guessPluginFromClass(Class<?>) - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Returns the plugin name from the given class, which should be one of the command is was just being executed.


handleReflectionException(Exception) - Static method in enum com.martinambrus.adminAnything.Reflections
A very simple error handler for the Reflections utility class.
hashCode() - Method in class net.amoebaman.util.ArrayWrapper
Gets the hash code represented by this objects value.
hasValue() - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.VersionTokenizer
Getter for the internal _hasValue variable.


implode(Object[], String) - Static method in enum com.martinambrus.adminAnything.Utils
Method to join array elements of type string
implode(List<?>, String) - Static method in enum com.martinambrus.adminAnything.Utils
Method to join list elements of type string
insert(String) - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.FancyMessage
Set the behavior of the current editing component to instruct the client to append the chat input box content with the specified string when the currently edited part of the FancyMessage is SHIFT-CLICKED.
instrumentate() - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.instrumentation.Instrumentator
Starts the complicated instrumentation process.
Instrumentator - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.instrumentation
Class responsible for instrumenting the whole transformation, including attaching agent to the JVM, copying relevant library files where they are supposed to be and downloading Javassist library if not found.
Instrumentator(String) - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.instrumentation.Instrumentator
Constructor, stores library folder to which to save and from which to load all the static libraries required for the various class transformations.
is64Bit() - Static method in enum com.martinambrus.adminAnything.Utils
Checks whether we're on 64-bit or 32-bit processor architecture.
isAaCoreCommand(String[]) - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Checks whether the given command is AdminAnything's internal command.
isFeatureEnabled(String) - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Checks whether a feature in AdminAnything is enabled via config.
isJsonPrimitive() - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.reflections.JsonElement
isListenerRegistered(String) - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Checks whether a named listener is already registered with AdminAnything.
isLoggable(LogRecord) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.LogFilter
Checks the log record to make sure we're filtering messages via AdminAnything, then mutes the record if it's within a certain time threshold.
isPlayerInPermGroup(Player, String) - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Checks whether a player is in the given permission group.
isVaultEnabled() - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Checks whether Vault is enabled on the server.
isWarmingUp() - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Returns TRUE if the initial warmup of AdminAnything is not yet passed, FALSE otherwise.
iterator() - Method in enum com.martinambrus.adminAnything.Constants
Returns the iterator for a list-type constant.
iterator() - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.FancyMessage
Internally called method.
iterator() - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.reflections.JsonArray


JsonArray - Class in mkremins.fanciful.reflections
JsonArray(int) - Constructor for class mkremins.fanciful.reflections.JsonArray
JsonArray() - Constructor for class mkremins.fanciful.reflections.JsonArray
JsonElement - Class in mkremins.fanciful.reflections
JsonElement() - Constructor for class mkremins.fanciful.reflections.JsonElement
JsonElement(int) - Constructor for class mkremins.fanciful.reflections.JsonElement
JsonObject - Class in mkremins.fanciful.reflections
JsonObject(StringWriter) - Constructor for class mkremins.fanciful.reflections.JsonObject
JsonParser - Class in mkremins.fanciful.reflections
JsonParser() - Constructor for class mkremins.fanciful.reflections.JsonParser
JsonString - Class in mkremins.fanciful
Represents a JSON string value.
JsonString(CharSequence) - Constructor for class mkremins.fanciful.JsonString
JsonWriter - Class in mkremins.fanciful.reflections
JsonWriter(StringWriter) - Constructor for class mkremins.fanciful.reflections.JsonWriter


lastClassMuted - Static variable in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_mutecommand
Determines whether the last class that called sendMessage() was muted.
lastMuteTimestamp - Static variable in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_mutecommand
Determines how long ago has the last command that should be muted ran.
link(String) - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.FancyMessage
Set the behavior of the current editing component to instruct the client to open a webpage in the client's web browser when the currently edited part of the FancyMessage is clicked.
LinkedTreeMap<K,V> - Class in mkremins.fanciful.reflections
LinkedTreeMap() - Constructor for class mkremins.fanciful.reflections.LinkedTreeMap
loadCommandsListFromConfig(String) - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Loads the requested commands list which will then be used in various parts of this plugin.
loadJoinLeaveClickLinks() - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Loads join and click event links that will be displayed in chat next to player username's if enabled in config.
loadNickClickLinks() - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Loads nick click links that will be displayed in chat next to player username's if enabled in config.
localizedText(String) - Static method in class mkremins.fanciful.TextualComponent
Create a textual component representing a localized string.
logDebug(String, AdminAnything) - Static method in enum com.martinambrus.adminAnything.Utils
Logs a debug message into the console if debug is enabled in AdminAnything.
logFilter - Static variable in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_mutecommand
This will hold a LogFilter that's used when we cannot run instrumentation for any reason.
LogFilter - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything
Alternative, semi-functional commands muting class for instances when we can't alter original server classes in-memory (i.e.
LogFilter() - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.LogFilter


makeListMutable(Iterable<String>) - Static method in enum com.martinambrus.adminAnything.Utils
Takes an unmodifiable list and turns it into a modifiable one.
MessagePart - Class in mkremins.fanciful
Internal class: Represents a component of a JSON-serializable FancyMessage.
MessagePart(TextualComponent) - Constructor for class mkremins.fanciful.MessagePart
messages - Variable in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_checkcommandconflicts
A cached list of messages to be shown to the player/console as the resulting output.
mkremins.fanciful - package mkremins.fanciful
mkremins.fanciful.reflections - package mkremins.fanciful.reflections
MoveNext() - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.VersionTokenizer
Moves on to the next string position to be tokenized.
MySecurityManager - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.instrumentation
Security manager implementation used to retrieval of class names from call stacks.
MySecurityManager() - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.instrumentation.MySecurityManager


name(String) - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.reflections.JsonWriter
net.amoebaman.util - package net.amoebaman.util
newMutedClass - Static variable in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_mutecommand
Stores a name for the class which called a muted command.


objectiveScore(String) - Static method in class mkremins.fanciful.TextualComponent
Create a textual component representing a scoreboard value.
objectiveScore(String, String) - Static method in class mkremins.fanciful.TextualComponent
Create a textual component representing a scoreboard value.
onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_actions
/aa_actions - lists available actions for the given command or alias
onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_addperm
/aa_addperm - adds a new permission node for the exact command line provided
onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_addredirect
/aa_addredirect - adds a redirect from one command to another
onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_checkcommandconflicts
/aa_checkCommandConflicts - checks and reports all conflicting commands and aliases on the server
onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_clearchat
/aa_clearchat - clears the player's (console's) chat
onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_debug
/aa_debug - enables or disables the debug mode of AdminAnything
onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_delperm
/aa_delperm - removes a virtual permission added via /aa_addperm
onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_delredirect
/aa_delredirect - removes a command redirect
onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_disablecommand
/aa_disablecommand - disables a command, so it's ignored on the server
onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_disablehelpcommand
/aa_disablehelpcommand - disables a command from showing up in /aa_playercommands
onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_enablecommand
/aa_enableCommand - removes the disabled command from list of disabled commands, so it can function normally again
onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_enablehelpcommand
/aa_enablehelpcommand - removes the given command(s) from the list of commands that should not be shown in the /aa_playercommands
onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_fixcommand
/aa_fixCommand - hard-wires the given command to the requested plugin's command (i.e.
onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_ignorecommand
/aa_ignorecommand - adds a command to the list of ignored commands wich are not checked when command conflict are being displayed
onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_info
/aa_info - displays info about all fixed, muted, disabled...
onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_listcommands
/aa_listCommands - lists all commands of all currently loaded plug-ins
onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_mutecommand
/aa_muteCommand - mutes a command, so it won't broadcast any messaged to console or player chat
onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_playercommands
playercommands - displays list of commands available to the player requested
onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_playerperms
/aa_playerperms - displays list of permissions given to the player requested
onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_pluginperms
/aa_pluginperms - displays all permissions for the given plugin
onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_reload
/aa_reload - sends event to reload the AA configuration
onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_unfixcommand
/aa_unfixcommand - removes override previously added via /aa_fixcommand.
onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_unignorecommand
/aa_unignorecommand - removes the given command(s) from the list of commands ignored from conflicts check
onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_unmutecommand
/aa_unmutecommand - removes a command from the list of muted commands
onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_version
/aa_version - shows current AdminAnything version
onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.AbstractCommand
Executes the given command, returning its success.
onDisable() - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AdminAnything
Called by the server when a plugin needs to be unloaded.
onEnable() - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AdminAnything
Called by the server when a plugin is loaded and ready for some action.
onTabComplete(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete.Aa_actions
onTabComplete(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete.Aa_addperm
onTabComplete(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete.Aa_addredirect
onTabComplete(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete.Aa_delperm
onTabComplete(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete.Aa_delredirect
onTabComplete(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete.Aa_disablecommand
onTabComplete(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete.Aa_enablecommand
onTabComplete(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete.Aa_enablehelpcommand
onTabComplete(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete.Aa_fixcommand
onTabComplete(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete.Aa_ignorecommand
onTabComplete(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete.Aa_listcommands
onTabComplete(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete.Aa_mutecommand
onTabComplete(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete.Aa_playercommands
onTabComplete(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete.Aa_playerperms
onTabComplete(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete.Aa_pluginperms
onTabComplete(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete.Aa_unfixcommand
onTabComplete(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete.Aa_unignorecommand
onTabComplete(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.tabcomplete.Aa_unmutecommand


parse(String) - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.reflections.JsonParser
parsePluginJARLocation(Class<?>) - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Attempts to retrieve a location of the plugin's class file within the currently loaded JAR archives structure.
permsFromConfig - Variable in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_listcommands_runnable
Configuration file handle for the static permission descriptions which are used for popular plugins that do not actually have these descriptions in their plugin.yml file (mostly because they handle their commands dynamically).
permsFromConfig - Variable in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_pluginperms
A custom permission description YML config file for plugins that do not store their perms in their plugin.yml file.
pluginHasFullApiAccess(String) - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Checks whether the given plugin has full access to AdminAnything's API, including all data adjusting event calls (i.e.


rawText(String) - Static method in class mkremins.fanciful.TextualComponent
Create a textual component representing a string literal.
readyToRetransform - Static variable in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_mutecommand
Determines whether we're ready to start the instrumentation.
redirectConsoleCommand(ServerCommandEvent) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.listeners.chatKickAfterIpBan
If the command is an ip-ban one, check if the player is still in game and kick them out if they are.
redirectConsoleCommand(ServerCommandEvent) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.listeners.commandPreprocessor
Redirects command from the old one (via fixCommand) to a new one that should replace it.
redirectPlayerCommand(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.listeners.chatKickAfterIpBan
If the command is an ip-ban one, check if the player is still in game and kick them out if they are.
redirectPlayerCommand(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.listeners.commandPreprocessor
Redirects command from the old one (via fixCommand) to a new one that should replace it.
Reflection - Class in net.amoebaman.util
A class containing static utility methods and caches which are intended as reflective conveniences.
Reflections - Enum in com.martinambrus.adminAnything
A utility class to work with Java's Reflections and allow for ease of use of the GSon library, wherever it is currently located, as it has relocated at least once during all Minecraft's development.
reload(AAReloadEvent) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AdminAnything
React to the custom ReloadEvent which is fired when /aa_reload gets executed or when we enable AA for the first time.
reload(AAReloadEvent) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_checkcommandconflicts
React to the custom ReloadEvent which is fired when /aa_reload gets executed or when we enable AA for the first time.
reload(AAReloadEvent) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.listeners.commandPreprocessor
React to the custom ReloadEvent which will reload all command lists internal to this event listener whenevet our configuration changes.
reload(AAReloadEvent) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.listeners.tabCompleteDisablerProtocolLib
React to the custom ReloadEvent which is fired when /aa_reload gets executed or when we enable AA for the first time.
replaceChatNick(AsyncPlayerChatEvent) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.listeners.chatNickClicks
Replaces nicknames by clickable links that perform the desired action.
retransformationTried - Static variable in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_mutecommand
Used to check whether we need to try to download the javassist library, if it's not present.
retransformCBMC() - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_mutecommand
Instruments CraftBukkit and Minecraft classes to enable us cancelling out the sendMessage() method calls from them as needed.
retransformed - Static variable in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_mutecommand
Determines whether we've re-transformed any classes yet.
run() - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_addperm_runnable
The actual logic behind adding extra permissions to commands.
run() - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_checkcommandconflicts_runnable
The logic behind checking command conflicts on the server.
run() - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_fixcommand_runnable
The actual logic used to fix (override) a command.
run() - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_listcommands_runnable
The actual logic behind listing server commands.
run() - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_playercommands_runnable
The actual logic to list player's available commands.


selector(String) - Static method in class mkremins.fanciful.TextualComponent
Create a textual component representing a player name, retrievable by using a standard minecraft selector.
send(Player) - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.FancyMessage
Sends this message to a player.
send(CommandSender) - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.FancyMessage
Sends this message to a command sender.
send(Iterable<? extends CommandSender>) - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.FancyMessage
Sends this message to multiple command senders.
sendUpdatedTabCompletions(PlayerCommandSendEvent) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.listeners.tabCompleteDisabler
serialize() - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.FancyMessage
serialize() - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.JsonString
serialize() - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.MessagePart
setArray(E[]) - Method in class net.amoebaman.util.ArrayWrapper
Set this wrapper to wrap a new array instance.
setCurrentClassMuted() - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_mutecommand
Sets previously saved class as one that should be muted.
setExecutor(CommandExecutor) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AASymbolicCommand
Sets the CommandExecutor to run when parsing this command
setTabCompleter(TabCompleter) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AASymbolicCommand
Sets the TabCompleter to run when tab-completing this command.
shortenStringArray(String[], Integer) - Static method in enum com.martinambrus.adminAnything.Utils
Copies the original array into a new array, shortening it to the given length.
startRequiredListener(String) - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Registers a listener if that listener was not registered already.
startRequiredListener(String, Listener) - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Registers a listener if that listener was not registered already.
style(ChatColor...) - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.FancyMessage
Sets the stylization of the current editing component.
suggest(String) - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.FancyMessage
Set the behavior of the current editing component to instruct the client to replace the chat input box content with the specified string when the currently edited part of the FancyMessage is clicked.


tabComplete(CommandSender, String, String[]) - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AASymbolicCommand
tabCompleteDisabler - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.listeners
Disables tab completions for commands that players don't have access to.
tabCompleteDisabler(Plugin) - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.listeners.tabCompleteDisabler
Constructor, stores instance of AdminAnything for further use and activates the actual functionality.
tabCompleteDisablerProtocolLib - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.listeners
Disables tab completions for commands that players don't have access to.
tabCompleteDisablerProtocolLib(Plugin) - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.listeners.tabCompleteDisablerProtocolLib
Constructor, stores instance of AdminAnything for further use and activates the actual functionality.
text(String) - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.FancyMessage
Sets the text of the current editing component to a value.
text(TextualComponent) - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.FancyMessage
Sets the text of the current editing component to a value.
TextualComponent - Class in mkremins.fanciful
Represents a textual component of a message part.
TextualComponent() - Constructor for class mkremins.fanciful.TextualComponent
then(String) - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.FancyMessage
Terminate construction of the current editing component, and begin construction of a new message component.
then(TextualComponent) - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.FancyMessage
Terminate construction of the current editing component, and begin construction of a new message component.
then() - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.FancyMessage
Terminate construction of the current editing component, and begin construction of a new message component.
toArray(Iterable<? extends T>, Class<T>) - Static method in class net.amoebaman.util.ArrayWrapper
Converts an iterable element collection to an array of elements.
toJSONString() - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.FancyMessage
Serialize this fancy message, converting it into syntactically-valid JSON using a JsonWriter.
toOldMessageFormat() - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.FancyMessage
Convert this message to a human-readable string with limited formatting.
Tools - Enum in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.instrumentation
Various IO tools used for class transformations.
Tools.Platform - Enum in com.martinambrus.adminAnything.instrumentation
An ENUM of platform constants.
tooltip(String) - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.FancyMessage
Set the behavior of the current editing component to display raw text when the client hovers over the text.
tooltip(Iterable<String>) - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.FancyMessage
Set the behavior of the current editing component to display raw text when the client hovers over the text.
tooltip(String...) - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.FancyMessage
Set the behavior of the current editing component to display raw text when the client hovers over the text.
toString() - Method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AASymbolicCommand
toString() - Method in enum com.martinambrus.adminAnything.Constants
toString() - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.JsonString
toString() - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.TextualComponent
transformations() - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_mutecommand
Prepares a map of transformable classes that we need to check for on the server.
translationReplacements(String...) - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.FancyMessage
If the text is a translatable key, and it has replaceable values, this function can be used to set the replacements that will be used in the message.
translationReplacements(FancyMessage...) - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.FancyMessage
If the text is a translatable key, and it has replaceable values, this function can be used to set the replacements that will be used in the message.
translationReplacements(Iterable<FancyMessage>) - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.FancyMessage
If the text is a translatable key, and it has replaceable values, this function can be used to set the replacements that will be used in the message.


Utils - Enum in com.martinambrus.adminAnything
Various common utilities class used thorough the whole AA plugin.


value(String) - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.reflections.JsonWriter
value(Boolean) - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.reflections.JsonWriter
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.martinambrus.adminAnything.ClasspathHacker
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.martinambrus.adminAnything.Constants
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.martinambrus.adminAnything.instrumentation.Tools.Platform
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.martinambrus.adminAnything.instrumentation.Tools
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.martinambrus.adminAnything.Reflections
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.martinambrus.adminAnything.Utils
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.martinambrus.adminAnything.ClasspathHacker
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.martinambrus.adminAnything.Constants
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.martinambrus.adminAnything.instrumentation.Tools.Platform
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.martinambrus.adminAnything.instrumentation.Tools
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.martinambrus.adminAnything.Reflections
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.martinambrus.adminAnything.Utils
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
verifyMuteCheckTimeout() - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.commands.Aa_mutecommand
Checks whether we're still within a timeout to mute all commands that call sendMessage() and sets the internal variables accordingly.
VersionComparator - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything
Compares version numbers of versions that follow the format of a.b.c.d -> from major to minor version.
VersionComparator() - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.VersionComparator
VersionTokenizer - Class in com.martinambrus.adminAnything
Tokenizes version number, so it can be compared by VersionComparator.
VersionTokenizer(String) - Constructor for class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.VersionTokenizer
VersionTokenizer constructor.


writeJson(JsonWriter) - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.FancyMessage
writeJson(JsonWriter) - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.JsonString
writeJson(JsonWriter) - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.MessagePart
writeJson(JsonWriter) - Method in class mkremins.fanciful.TextualComponent
Writes the text data represented by this textual component to the specified JSON writer object.


__(String, Object...) - Static method in class com.martinambrus.adminAnything.AA_API
Returns translation for the given identifier, and optionally a set of parameters.
A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P R S T U V W _